Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Welcome to LHJ Painting Away.

First, I would like to explain the title of my blog. It's very simple I love Jethro Tull music and there is a song that says something like "skating away on the thin ice of a new day". So, I'm painting away ...on the tile of a new day.

A lot of times as I work with customers, I meet people who want something a little unusual that they don't want to be really all that noticeable to the outsider. Little things in their mural that makes it special to them and to them alone.

I had a sweet older man call one day wanting to do a mural like I had on my website( that was wine,grapes, and some other fruit. Then he said ,"I would like to have this date on the wine label, also,Santa Barbara, California"(where met his wife of 50 years) -all perfectly normal requests.Then he told me that they really didn't care for wine and could I put Cherry coke on the label instead-that's what they had to drink on their first date. And he was more of a Miller Lite man-could I put that in there some how-in a can - not a bottle- cause that is how he liked them. I said,"Sure whatever you want I think I can work in the painting" He was so nice-He also wanted -4k-5gk on the label(for kids and grandkids) and the Sea bee logo-a bumble bee- not just any bumblebee-but a gun toting one! LOL It all sounded like a lot -I was more worried about making the can look metallic -as all this was on a porcelain tile and I wanted it to come out right the first time.

It was fired on the tile using China Paints. Here is the finished product.

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